Welcome to Neumannia (A.K.A. the Neumanns)

Our story... good, bad, happy, sad, glorious, humbling, & hopefully a little hilarious... so that someday,
when it's printed (for the sake of reviving our memory & inspiring our grown children) they will have
seen Jesus in our day to day lives... because in the end, that's the secret to Real Life!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Fall, Fall...Where for art thou?

So California dreamin' is great for all seasons but one...Fall! You receive in the mail catalogs full of clothing that is meant for layering. Starbucks is pushing all things Pumpkin...and seriously who drinks an iced Pumpkin Spice Latte? Stores are beginning to display Christmas (which makes me despise retail because my life is currently functioning in a "day to day" mode) And here we sweat, I mean sit, in our homes pumping the AC so we can bake and enjoy a hot beverage:) We are blessed with the weather our state is known for, but it was due here last June! My uneducated theory is that the seasons have all shifted up...Winter is our Fall, Spring is our Winter, Summer is our Spring, & Fall, yes Fall is our current Summer! I long for crisp mornings, scarves, red & orange leaves, hot coffee, AND kitchens smelling of soups, breads, cobblers & anything else you find on Pinterest these days! So in longing for the Fall I see in every movie based in New York, I found some pictures that remind me of Autumn fun that we create here in Cali...Pumpkin Patches in tanks & shorts, sunsets camping in Carpinteria, family fun at Thanksgiving dinners & kids dressing up to pass out candy...Cat Woman & Gangsta Boyz...Happy Fall Y'all!!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

"I've been to the mountaintop..."

So here's one of those posts that's in the "ugly" category...but this is the real stuff, ya know!?! "I've been to the mountaintop. I've seen the glory of my God" as the song goes. BUT I am here... in the valley with my children. And to put it plainly, it just hurts, enough to bring tears (finally had to let it out) And not because "Woe is me, parenting is hard."But because I've had glimpses of the "mountaintop" & it is glorious. I actually like my children. I see that my God has amazing things in store for them. We actually have fun together & I see parts of myself and their father in them (which is scary & hilarious at the same time. So why do I have this ache in my very being? I see a strong foundation, but that's it. I see time running out on our sphere of influence...especially with my oldest. Why is it that so many things in my life are "running smooth" or "in order" except what should be my greatest accomplishment...my kids? Don't know if I really want an answer...I know that "His promises are Yes & Amen". I know that "His grace is sufficient for me". I know that "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me". I know that He is with me THROUGH the valley. I know that "He sees every tear that falls". I know I want to walk in the Spirit & "lift with my legs" for the rest of the time I have with them...I just want them to love the mountaintop as much as I do!